La Tortue Sur Un Fil

The diary of a french Turtle on a Tightrope

I should be writing more regularly

I know I should but I'm working on putting together all the stuff I have on the very subject that this blog is all about. For now I'm using this platform to build my confidence in writing without too much thinking of how the blog looks like.

I first need to get my head around the content subject and see the structure. That is not one of my strength so a tool that helps with that is cool. I was using sublime text but it didn't work. maybe because it didn't have the summary straight in there.

Thanks to Mike Stone I am using Ghostwriter and this is helping me get some order in the chaos I have been unable to organise this last years. Truth, you don't see much of it right now. I hope to get it out soon. I have a 16223 words text that is blog – podcast material as well as services – product material.

Of course I know that it is by sharing and experimenting that I will get this project running... I'm going to set up a small group of people to test out one service and see how it goes... To be honest I'm scared that this whole thing will be useful to no one... but me.

Photo curtesy from Rowan Heuvel Unsplash Birds Flying The 1st day I felt I was truly independant... well... to say the truth I still don't know if I'm truly independent. I in some way or another felt and still feel co-dependent of someone (be it parents, teachers, friends, love relationships...) or the country I live in... but I never saw it in this light until this last couple of months. This path and the choices that I made as well as the posture I had... well I see its central core now.

Still I wanted to remind myself of moments of freedom I've had to put the pieces together...

As a young ping pong player, the only thing I was good at as a child and recognized for it, I felt freedom in playing the way I wanted it, feeling the speed of the ball, holding my ping-pong paddle and play however I wanted to...

As a 19 years old when I went for a 3 weeks holiday in Greece with people a bit older than me where we were walking through amazing path and trekked through a mountain a day. I felt free and it is there and then i decided that I would go abroad. I begun exchanging in english with this great greek guide...

As a 21 years old at last finishing my high school going to Club Med meeting people and experiencing love for the 1st time and deciding to go with a help of someone dear to my heart who gently pushed me to step up and encourage me to move abroad and stay even if it wasn't easy thanks to the emotional blackmail my parents were exercising on me.

When in Ireland I went from being au pair in Cork with a small time in Dublin and then decided to move to Galway (one of the most beautiful warm-hearted place I've seen) and discovering I was pretty passionate which didn't occur to me because I felt dead inside whenever I was at my parents place. I discovered that I could learn and feel great about studying – I did a course on interior design and got my diploma a year later – study, get better grades I never had at school, and enjoy the process... in english.

The 1st time I could buy my own food, it was Xmas time. I could choose to eat whatever I wanted, cook it and eat it. That is when i decided to try eating vegetarian and at the time and definitely for french people and my parents in particular, this was dumb and outrageous. I remember having a lecture (when they came to see my in ireland) on why I was stupid to do this...

I have had other moments of freedom I've experienced through this path of mine. Those are great because they reminds me of my ability to take action and how I felt in the process.

There will be more.

For what?

I want to create solutions that will enable people to find and draw on their own resources in order to develop their autonomy and creativity.

Who is this programme for?

Do you recognise yourself in these sentences?

I lack confidence in myself but also in the word of others I often go off track in my relationships with friends, family, clients, colleagues. I can be deeply and permanently affected by what others think of me or by their actions. I even have difficulty setting clear boundaries and can let myself be invaded in my living space. I feel guilty when I want to do something for myself. I feel guilty when I want to do something for myself. >The needs of others often come first and I can no longer connect with my own dreams and desires. I can't connect with my intuition anymore. I have trouble finding my place in this world. I feel inadequate. Most of the time I am super hard⋅e with myself. I tend to depreciate myself and put aside all the good things I've accomplished without being able to build on my strengths and qualities. It's as if I'm putting all my achievements on the line at every moment. I tend not to be able to find my common thread, as if I had no solid foundation in myself. Sometimes I even have a kind of memory loss. Also, I don't highlight my axis and the connections between what moves me, what attracts me and what I have done.

No matter what your background is, whether it's “atypical” or not, I have the intuition that we all have a framework of life that constitutes our foundation on which we build ourselves as well as resources constituted by our talents, our values, our facilities (...) that we can access to allow us to blossom and express what is in us.

Current offers

One month follow-up:

  • 10h spread over the month by phone or with Jitsi or any other internet tool as long as it is open source and respects our exchanges (data security: Zoom – Skype are thus excluded)
  • email exchange* included for follow-up (or other solution for document exchange & chat)
  • co-creation of your original “resource map “ – based on our oral and written exchanges → on which you will be able to rely for the implementation of your life project (personal and professional). The objective of this map is to have a dedicated, clear and structured support of your resources:
    • talents
    • achievements
    • values
    • people
    • tools
    • environment...
  • *optional * monitoring information to feed your resources... and your creativity

Global introspection

  • 2 to 3 hours
  • putting into words the state of play of the situation
    • blockages
    • resources
    • direction envisaged...)
  • and the links between
    • what attracts you – makes you vibrate
    • and the actions you have already taken.

Focused conversation

  • 1h15
  • to find your thread and alignment – when it has been momentarily lost.
  • The aim is to focus exclusively on what makes you tick in order to find your inner compass and get back on track.

*Please note that this is a “framework” and is subject to change in an “agile” way to refine my services and improve their relevance.

Oral and written interventions in French or English according to your request

Coming soon :

A path to autonomy

  1. I reconnect to the present
  2. I de-clutter myself
    • physically
    • mentally
    • emotionally
  3. I re-cover my resources
  4. I re-energize myself
  5. I awaken my dreams
  6. I act in coherence (with my values...)

This is the 1st draft of my point of view on what drives me and what I want to do.

How a lack of autonomy can and will impact on:

  • behaviours
  • health and how you nourish yourself (food, playtime, art...)
  • energy level
  • relationships (how you interact with others)
  • mindset
  • finances
  • choices of
    • where you live
    • professional activities & career
    • with whom you live

I'd love to meet people who are connected to their essence, they are my source of inspiration. I love to discover and learn about how they live and express their own unique identity and why they do what they do when they're aligned with their source or out of touch with themselves... In some way, I feel that they have developed their own uniqueness and grow their full potential as autonomous beings – free from dependency – through finding who they are and they have managed in some way to break free from the control and dependency of someone else.

What if I could change things up by applying Josh Kaufman's 1st 20 hours?

I know I need a bit of structure if I want to get down on the subject (autonomy). So I thought I would try his method. For convenience and reference, I want to summarize it here.

The 1st 20 hours – How to learn anything Josh Kaufman @ TedX

You can learn anything in just about 20 hours The major barrier to skill acquisition isn't intellectual it's emotional.

Josh Kaufman

The goal here is rapid skills acquisition through focused deliberate practice.

Now there are 3 phases of learning:

  1. You have to focus strongly and really think about the subject you're studying
  2. You now interrelate parts of the process and you start to do it on your own. It feels more natural
  3. At last you can just do it and it feels automatic.

And 4 Steps to get into it:

Make sure you have the tools you need to work and learn

  1. Deconstruct the skills To do it the best is to chunk down what you want to learn into smaller sub-skills that are easier to understand and practice
  2. Learn enough to self correct To do this step, it is important to research the things that are really important and the techniques that are used all the time. It's not the number of hours that count. The learning has to be very specific in order to achieve the best outcome.
  3. Remove practice barriers Anything that will stop you from practicing: out! (phones, watching any cat's videos,...).
  4. Practice at least 20 hours Some apply themselves to 40 min per day because it is easy to find those minutes in a day – which means that in a month you have learned it.

Repetition is very very important.

I am so upset

I was writing an other article on the steps I needed to make in order to develop autonomy and wanted to cut a long one into 2 shorter posts I did a mistake and now it's impossible to get it back. I know I should keep it on my editor (for now I use Sublime text – no I'm not a developer...). Anyway, I feel upset because i liked this post. i kinda liked it. But now I feel so bad that I can't even remember the title and all the ideas I put down...

So instead of keeping it all in I wanted to write down about it and get on with it. Reminder to myself: Keep what you write 'til you publish it and you see it is published!

I've looked at resources in the web wide world to inspire me and put down my personal course of action. After a day of it, my head is spinning. I don't know where to turn to. Truth be told, I am so used at expecting a charming prince to resolve my problem that the habit of victimising myself runs deep. I think that my energy level reflects that.

I know I need to tackle at the same time, the knowledge on managing my money and develop the means (ie the money) to deal with my issue. There are a lot of articles – online courses on the web telling you how to earn money:

  • Some are get-rich-quickly-schemes (not going near these)
  • Others demand very high knowledge on programming and/or a taste & competency for design.
  • If you know how to write, you can create content (e-books/online courses/podcast...)
  • Then there are Virtual Assistant jobs (for Pinterest also)...

The question I'm asking myself right now is how not to lose my motivation and keep diligent at my lack of energy when I lose interest or when I don't have someone encouraging me... The subject of the matter (finance) is so overwhelming for me that I can't seem to know what I need to do first.

You can follow me on this instance of Mastodon or on that one in french.

En se concoctant un programme adapté à notre situation personnelle actuelle afin de développer son autonomie et indépendance.

  1. D'abord, faire un état des lieux de sa situation :

    • finance (notre relation à l'argent, ce que l'on ressent et nos croyances)
    • environnement (là où l'on vit, un espace à soi ou pas, rapport aux objets)
    • relation (en couple ou pas, interaction, confiance, tensions)
    • activité professionnelle (emploi rémunérée ou pas, passionnant...)
    • accomplissements (rêves réalisés, regrets, expériences...)
    • émotions (ennui – vide – angoisse – peurs...)
    • aimerait se sentir... (libre – enthousiaste – épanouie – accomplie...)
  2. Déterminer son pourquoi ?

    • pour aller vers plus d'autonomie et d'indépendance
    • donner un sens à sa vie plutôt que celui imposé par les autres
    • se sentir à ma vraie place
    • ressentir le sens du lien avec les autres tout en respectant ses propres besoins
    • faire ressortir le meilleur de soi-même (authentique)
    • oser être soi avec les autres
  3. Comment ?

    • Développer des principes éthique/holistique/résilient
    • Utiliser la vision permaculturelle → Commencer petit → rester simple → respecter ses besoins et son “terrain” (on est tous différents du coup les solutons aussi)
    • Autres compétences, savoir-faires, aptitudes, techniques, postures à développer
  4. Quelles étapes

    • Révéler ses besoins réprimés
    • Visualiser ce que l'on souhaite manifester (loi de l'attraction)
    • Développer son imagination et sa créativité
    • Voir les domaines qui vous intéressent et qui sont nécessaires pour faire bouger les choses.

Les miens sont l'apprentissage, le rapport à l'argent, les relations avec mon conjoint & la famille, l'habitat, le professionnel...

Ceci n'est qu'une amorce, un brouillon qu'il est bon de développer et d'approfondir pour en faire un “Road-Map”.

Right now, I use my computer to go on the web, write and send messages and the likes , I'm not yet making anything, neither apps nor a webpage but I want to do more and I want to do it with ethics towards data, the energy and be more resilient and to do this I want to understand what the heck I'm doing.

I have to tell'ya I'm a 45 year old frenchie who uses Linux (Ubuntu so maybe not the best of the best), Firefox and Brave, as well as Startpage for my searching. I refused for a while to watch on Youtube but went back into it... I know. I need more congruence in my life!

Since the confinement I've searched and read a lot of enticing blogs out there that have been created to teach you to master coding because it can open big opportunities and by doing side gigs one's hope there will always be jobs. And that sound great! Being confined and not able to work in my industry as a health practitioner, I am definitely thinking about it...

But I have no clue. So my first step is to get comfy with the basics so that I can play around on this very blog with the presentation – hosted in this oh so cool, the only one that I've found that is a breeze to write into – and that gives me freedom to tweek the Css when I'll know more of the basics (Markdown-Html-Css).

Next is to keep on finding softwares that are truly free (as in freedom) and non proprietary (again I need to develop congruence) and be careful even when it is open source, as they are often associated with Google (Play) or Amazon (AWS)...

The tech world is a critical part of our world and I need to be more aware of it to develop my autonomy.